Below is a partial list of valued past and present clients*:
Affinity Bank
America California Bank
American River Bank
Arbor National Commercial
Bank of America
Bank of Lodi
Bank of Oakland
Bank of Santa Lucia
Borel Bank & Trust – Res
Borel Bank & Trust - SBA
Boston Private Bank
Bridge Bank
Business First National Bank
Business Loan Express
California Pacific Bank
California Savings Bank
Capitol Thrift & Loan
Cathay Bank
Central California Bank
Civic Bank of Commerce
Coast Commercial Bank*
Column Financial
Comerica Bank
Diablo Valley Bank
Direct Valuation Solutions
Excel National Bank
First Commercial Bank
First Republic Bank
Flag Bank
Fremont Bank
Goleta National Bank
Greater Bay Bank-Marin
H.G. Capital
Hana SBA Lending, Inc
Hanmi Bank
Heritage Bank of Commerce*
Heritage Oaks Bank
Herzer Financial
Imperial Bank
Imperial Capital Bank
Inland Community Bank
Innovative Bank
Law Offices of Byron Sun, Esq.
Law Offices of Cathy Rincon, Esq.
Law Offices of Cynthia Schreurs, Esq.
Law Offices of David Miller, Esq.
Law Offices of Jeffrey B. Hare, Esq.
Law Offices of Lisa Tandoc, Esq.
Law Offices of Vanessa Weeks, Esq.
Law Offices of Franklin Parrish, Esq.
Legacy Bank
Liberty Bank
MDB Business Bank
Metropolitan Bank
Mid Peninsula Bank
Mirae Bank
National American Bank
Oceanic Bank
One California Bank
Pacific Crest Bank
Pacific State Bank
PCV Murcor
Peninsula Bank of Commerce
Pinnacle Bank
Quaker City Bank
Sacramento Commercial Bank
Saehan Bank
San Joaquin CDC
Santa Cruz County Bank
Savings Bank of Mendocino City
Service 1st Bank
Silicon Valley Bank
Silverado Bank
Sonoma National Bank
State Bank of India
Stockman’s Bank
Temecula Valley Bank
Trans Pacific National Bank
Tri-Valley Bank
United American Bank
United Commercial Bank
United Labor Bank
United National Bank
United Overseas Bank
Valley Community Bank
Varveris and Associates
VelocitySBA, LLC
Vineyard National Bank
Wells Fargo Bank
West America Bancorporation
Wilshire State Bank
Yolo Community Bank